Notification of the Organization of a New JACoW EventAs soon as a new JACoW conference is decided, the OC or SPC Chair (of either the past, current or future event in the series) must inform JACoW. The following is a draft possible notification to be sent to the the JACoW Chair As Organizers of the XXX Conference we hereby inform JACoW that 1. XXX Conference will take place on [dates] in/at [venue]. The OC, SPC and LOC Chairs are [name, affiliation and e-mail address) and the Scientific Secretary and/or Editor-in-Chief is/are [role, name and affiliation]. 2. We have read and understood the JACoW boundary conditions relating to publication on jacow.org and in particular the attendance of the Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief/IT Manager (either or several) at the annual JACoW Team Meetings. 3. The conference undertakes to foresee the necessary funding for the attendance of the Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief/IT Manager (either or several) at the annual JACoW Team Meetings. 4. We have understood that it is the duty of the conference Scientific Secretary/Editor-in-Chief a) to ensure the event is announced in the JACoW.org page of forthcoming conferences: https://www.jacow.org/About/UpcomingEvents b) to ensure that the names of the conferences and Editors-in-Chief are included in the list of JACoW Team members: https://www.jacow.org/About/TeamMembersRoles c) to participate as far as possible in the development and testing of JACoW tools 5. We understand that failure to comply with the above may result in sanctions as referred to above. |