2015 JACoW Stakeholders MeetingThe 2015 JACoW Stakeholders Meeting took place during IPAC'15 on: Thursday, 7 May, 2015
Greater Richmond Convention Center, Richmond, VA, USA
Tentative agenda:
1. Welcome and IntroductionChristine Petit-Jean-Genaz, Honorary CERN Staff Member, JACoW Coordinator welcomes JACoW Stakeholders to this year’s meeting in Richmond, VA during IPAC’15. She thanks everybody for sacrificing their lunch break. For newcomers, Christine makes a few remarks concerning the JACoW international team working during the conference and the JACoW “model”. Of the 1400 presentations scheduled at IPAC’15, 1221 have been uploaded and successfully processed, and 70% have been double-checked and are ready for pre-press publication. This magnificent effort would not be possible without the support of the laboratories that allow their staff to join the various JACoW conference editorial teams. The laboratories offer the time, and pay the travel expenses of the editors. The conferences cover the local expenses. This contributes to making the JACoW.org site open access and at no cost to the community, but there is a price that is covered by the conferences and the laboratories. The JACoW site is a shared resource, the fruit of many individual contributions, not only of the "core" members and other occasional editors, but also we thank in particular: CERN, Fermilab and KEK where the regional SPMS instances are hosted for all JACoW events, and PSI and JLAB where the servers for the upload of all contributions are hosted. Annexed to these Notes is a description of the JACoW effort in connection with IPAC'15. JACoW Stakeholders are:
The list of Institute representatives should not be restrictive. It is published at JACoW.org. All members of the community are welcome to volunteer as Institute representatives and contribute to improving the communication between the JACoW Team and the community at large. Since IPAC is the largest JACoW conference, it is the natural venue for the annual Stakeholders Meeting where all aspects of JACoW activities are discussed and where the Team can receive feedback and issues to be pursued in the future. 2. Chairman's Report and Report from the Board of DirectorsIvan Andrian, the new JACoW Chair presents a report of JACoW activities since the last report during IPAC'14. For newcomers, Ivan outlines what is JACoW, describes the activities over the past year, the decision of the Team to make some changes to the JACoW Charter, the outcome of the previous Stakeholders Meeting, and the next steps. Ivan's transparencies are attached to these notes. The most important points are reported briefly here. New Fileserver in the Americas: A new fileserver is now set up and working at JLAB. Metadata searchability: It is now a boundary condition for all JACoW publications for the metadata to be pushed to INSPIRE. JACoW-Indico Convergence: While SPMS has been developed and enhanced over the last 10 years to manage all of JACoW’s needs, its sustainability relies essentially on the good will of very few people and their laboratories. There has therefore been a move to work towards a convergence of SPMS and Indico in the medium to long term, with the responsibility shouldered by the laboratories supporting Indico. The management of the CERN Beams Department has been approached. A business case is needed, and possibly external funding. This will be pursued as a JACoW Project. Revised JACoW Charter: Since 2012 the JACoW Collaboration has been run via a Charter. At the conclusion of three years of functioning, the Team decided a certain number of improvements to further streamline the way JACoW functions. The modifications concern the membership and elections to the Board of Directors (decreasing from 8 to 5 members). The importance of the management of projects, and how to track activities, was underlined in Melbourne. It was decided to create Working Groups inside the team, to appoint one Project/Group Leader (Officer) per activity, and for these persons to take responsibility and report to the Board. The new Charter is published at the JACoW.org website. Since the last Stakeholders Meeting particular attention has been given to SPMS features:
The above developments are still in progress. In the absence of any questions the 2015 JACoW Stakeholders Meeting is closed. Annex 1: Ivan Andrian's transparencies The JACoW IPAC'15 Saltmines Team EffortThe IPAC'15 Saltmines Team counts 29 persons. It is worth taking a few minutes to explain what has been going on behind the electronic dotting boards. The IT is of crucial importance to the smooth running of the editing. Anthony Cuffe has done a remarkable job, leading a team of local JLAB staff, together with JACoW "experts": Dong-Eon Kim, PAL (IPAC'16) Johan Olander, ESS (IPAC'17) Stefano Deiuri, ELETTRA ("core" team JACoW expert and JACoW.org Website Manager) Vincent Mitts (IPAC'12), CAMD (now a specialist in the field in IT and Presentations) Theo McGuckin, JLab After setting up the IT, Dong-Eon and Johan left respectively on the 2 and 5 May. All changed hats for differing periods: Dong-Eon, Johan, Stefano and Raphael joined the "core" editors Vincent and Theo joined the Presentations Management team. The "core" editors working since the Thursday preceding the conference: Evelyn Akers, JLAB, Editor-in-Chief Volker Schaa, GSI and Todd Satogata, JLAB leading the technical effort Ivan Andrian, Elettra David Button, ANSTO, Australia Jan Chrin, PSI Cathy Eyberger, formerly ANL Charlie Horak, Oak Ridge Michaela Marx, DESY Christine Petit-Jean Genaz, CERN Honorary Staff Member Akihiro Shirakawa, KEK The team welcomed reinforcements from Sunday from editors heading up future events: Chul Hoon Kim, IPAC'16 Ghyung-Hwa Kim, IPAC'16 Toshinari Tanaka, a Venerated Veteran of JACoW, Spring-8 Ning Zhao, IHEP Beijing The Presentations Management team is lead by Theo McGuckin, JLab. He has an excellent team with Vincent, mentioned above, and Kyung-Sook Kim, PAL, IPAC'16 Takashi Kosuge, KEK, IPAC'10 (an expert since Kyoto, and SPMS Regional Support Centre Manager). In Author Reception are: Sue Waller, Daresbury Laboratory (who is also SPMS Repository Manager) Yoko Hayashi, KEK, IPAC'10 Nayoung Kim, PAL, IPAC'16 Audrey Barron of JLab led the Poster Managers smoothly through the arrangements for the poster sessions with a new and improved tablet app developed by Ivan and Stefano. It allows the status of presentation of posters to be entered online into SPMS. |