How to Join JACoWRequests from a conference series to join the collaboration are approved by the JACoW Board of Directors. Membership is contingent on a commitment from each series that they will contribute to the site for at least three future conferences and agree to the policies listed below. In addition, each set of proceedings must contain a reasonable number (more than 25) of papers and not simply be a collection of presentation materials. Under the charter, collaborating conference series undertake to adhere to the technical requirements for publication and to send their JACoW Team Members, the Editors-in-Chief--for past, current, and future events--to the annual team meetings. These meetings are scheduled near the end of each year, rotating through Asia, Europe, and North America. JACoW Team Members must be affiliated to the hosting laboratories. Annual Team Meetings enable each editor to successfully produce the proceedings volume for their conference by providing essential hands-on training in processes and with the necessary tools, such as JACoW-Indico. Team members new to electronic publication can also take advantage of hands-on training in basic processing techniques during major JACoW conferences. Because JACoW is based on good will, attendance at team meetings and participation in JACoW activities for, at a minimum, a three-year cycle is essential to maintain high standards and continuity and for the success of the entire venture. Electronic publication is not trivial, and to publish according to JACoW's high standards implies not only that editors receive adequate training but also that once their expertise is acquired they remain active in JACoW for a certain period to train new editors. JACoW therefore reserves the right to exclude from publication any conferences not respecting the conditions above. To request membership in JACoW, contact the JACoW chair |