Policies and Requirements for Publishing on JACoWThe JACoW collaboration has established several policies and technical requirements for publishing on JACoW. The policies are reviewed at the annual team meetings. The technical requirements are reviewed as the need arises. LicenseJACoW publishes all conference proceedings under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license in order to permit its wide dissemination and use. By submitting their work to JACoW authors accept that it is published under the CC-BY 4.0 license. Policies
Technical RequirementsThe following are the minimum technical requirements for preparing proceedings that will be accepted for publication on JACoW. We strongly recommend using the JACoW paper templates, which will simplify the preparation process and help you prepare attractive, professional papers.
Note that if your conference is not a member of the JACoW collaboration (see list on the JAcoW home page), please contact the JACoW chair Paper SizePapers must be A4 wide by US letter high, a size that prints well all over the world. JACoW provides templates for paper preparation that simplify this process. In principle, when the templates are used correctly, 18 mm is removed from the top of an A4 document, and 6 mm is removed from the right of a US letter document. JACoW does not limit the number of pages in a paper: it is the responsibility of the conference organiser to set these limits. However, it is normally the case that there are limits to the number of pages with invited papers being allowed more pages than others. Page LayoutThe text (170 by 241 mm) should be centred on the page, and each page should include a page number and conference name (and in some cases copyright information). Therefore, when you print an individual paper, you can see the full reference (title, author, conference name, and page number) on at least the first page and the conference name and page number on subsequent pages. Electronic DisplayPDF files should be set to open with “Fit Width” setting, and thumbnails should be generated. Individual pages should display without error and in less than about 5/N seconds on a computer screen where N is the speed of the processor in GHz. SearchabilityAll fonts should be embedded in the PDF files containing the papers. The general fonts used in PDF files should be Type 1, TrueType, or OpenType. Type 3 fonts should be avoided as much as possible because they cannot be recognised as characters in words and therefore are not searchable. Hidden fields should be included so that Boolean searches can be performed on keywords, authors, titles, etc. The following fields need to be included:
PhotographsConference photographs may be included in the proceedings but should be restricted in number. The published photographs should be relevant to the scientific content of the conference (i.e., pictures of social events should be avoided). For a large international conference with around 1000 delegates or more, there should be fewer than 100 photographs. For smaller conferences there should be significantly fewer. IndexesIndexes or “wrapper” files (e.g., introduction, author index, table of contents, committees) are required for each conference in HTML form to publish them on the website. It can be seen from the website that the layout for these wrapper files varies from one conference to another, reflecting their own personality, but they all contain the same basic information. It is JACoW policy that lists of conference delegates or conference committee members must not contain email addresses. Delegate lists of names and affiliations are acceptable. MetadataA complete set of metadata in 'Inspire' format must be submitted together with the proceedings themselves. |