Dot System for Electronic Processing of SubmissionsDot ColorsAt JACoW conferences, papers that are processed by editors are assigned colored "dots" to indicate their processing status. A green dot is assigned when a paper is processed and passed all editorial criteria for publishing. An author with a green dot need take no further action, and can be confident that the paper will be in the proceedings. A yellow dot means that the editor made some small changes to the paper and is seeking your approval of those changes. Those changes should not change the scientific content, but may change the formatting of the paper, including location of figures, location and size of figure/table captions, font sizes, etc. If you receive a yellow dot, you should login to the SPMS instance for the conference, read the comments from the editor, check the PDF copy of your paper, and approve or reject the author's changes. If you approve the changes, you immediately get a green dot. A red dot means that the paper has fundamental flaws that prevent the editor from fully processing the paper. These may be missing figure or reference references in the text, misapplication or alteration of the JACoW templates, or a paper that runs over the page limit determined by the conference. If you receive a red dot, you should login to the SPMS instance for the conference, read the comments from the editor, modify the source of your file and generate a new PDF, and resubmit the paper after addressing the editor's concerns. The editor is automatically notified of red dot papers that have new files uploaded. The paper dot color will stay red until the author reprocesses the paper and gives it another dot color. |