Using MS WordGeneralIt is very easy to stray from the required layout and style when using word. Authors should take care with fonts are used in documents, including fonts within graphics. Fonts should be restricted to Times or TimesNewRoman, Symbol, and Zapf Dingbats. Always use the correct version of the template for your computer and never transport across versions or platforms. All text should be BLACK. Installing the .dot and .dotm TemplatesWord templates work best when you install them on your computer as templates. Follow the installation instructions below, and then in WORD choose File, New to create a document based on that template. These Word templates (.dot) contain macros. Only two features will be unavailable if you choose to disable macros--Full Page Width Macro and Column Format Macro. You may need to change your macro security settings (Tools, Macros, Security) to use macros. Word for PC
Word for Macintosh
Note: If the template does not appear, open Microsoft Word, choose Preference (or Options) in the Tools menu, choose the File Locations tab, and check the path to your user templates folder by clicking the Modify button. If you have saved your template to the wrong folder, you may move your template to the correct folder using the bulleted steps listed above. Using the Template to Create a New FileCreate a new file, selecting the template from those listed under 'My Templates'. Edit the paper and when you save it, Save As a macro-enabled document (.docm) with the appropriate filename. Using the Template Files DirectlyType all the text of your paper into a standard Word document (don't worry about any formatting) and save it in a directory of your choice. Download a copy of the appropriate .doc file to your computer and save it in the same directory as the draft paper. Open both files. In the draft paper, highlight and copy (Ctrl-C) the title. Next, go to the template file, highlight the title, and then:
The title from your draft paper should replace the title in the template and be formatted the same as the template title. Continue this process with the rest of the text in your draft document. Remove any extraneous material from the template file and Save As the filename of your choice. Asian and Cyrillic Versions of WORDNon-English versions of Word use fonts that may not be recognized by Acrobat software. Conversely, characters in the English versions may not be recognized by other versions of Word. It is therefore recommended that only English versions of Word are used for the preparation of papers for accelerator conferences. Illustrations and GraphicsFull-page-width tables and figures can be created by inserting a new section (insert new section to start and a second new section to finish) with the appropriate total width (170 mm). A simple way to introduce figures into a Word document is to click on the Insert tab, then Pictures. Printer DriverThe choice of printer driver can make a considerable difference to the quality of the PostScript produced. We recommend using the generic PostScript printer, which is available through a specially developed procedure that can be found at the JACoW PostScript Printer page. This will install two printer drivers, one for A4 and the other for US Letter sized paper. The PostScript file should have the first page first, not reverse order. Making the PostScriptIf you use the JACoW PostScript Printer, most of the steps below are automatic - you just need to select the correct location for the PostScript file. On a PC (Word 2007 and later)Use the Print option from the File menu:
On a Macintosh