Guidelines for SpeakersContacts: Robert Apsimon, Lancaster University Firstly, on behalf of all of us in the Collaboration we wish to thank you for contributing to TM'22. Where are presentations stored?Our aim is for all presentations to be stored on the JACoW Wiki under the 2022 Team Meeting Agenda. In this way all presentations are archived for all JACoW Users. Each contribution in the TM'22 Agenda has a Wiki Page. This is either an existing page if the topic has been presented previously, or a brand new page for completely new presentations. Locate your presentation page by following the link in the Agenda. Where does Indico come in?This year we have used Indico to set up the programme, registration, etc. However, because our aim is to ensure all TM presentations are presented from and archived in the Wiki, please DO NOT upload any presentation material to the Indico Event. We will work from the Wiki during the TM. In the Indico instance we have placed a url link against each presentation which links to the Team Meeting 2022 Wiki Agenda page. Updating in Indico will trigger an update in the Agenda on the Wiki. The link entered in the Wiki Agenda is dynamically generated from the Indico Timetable. If you find the link in the Wiki Agenda leads to an incorrect page, or in cases where more appropriate content already exists for your topic, the url link can be edited within the contribution in Indico, and it will then also be reflected in the Wiki Agenda. If there is an issue with the title or description of a presentation, this may be updated in the Indico event, which will dynamically update the Agenda. You may of course contact David Button, ANSTO My presentation content and filesPresenters are encouraged wherever possible to generate their presentation as a Wiki Page. PmWiki has a slide feature which can be used directly. A good example is Scaling of Roles Tasks and Resources vs Conference Size which uses this feature. The slideshow can be started by clicking on the show as slideshow in the top right hand corner. Also see create a slideshow from a wiki page. This method leaves a readable page behind for others to use during and post team meeting as a resource searchable in the wiki. If you wish to present a PowerPoint or pdf presentation, you are requested to place them within your page, DO NOT link your presentation in Indico to a single pdf or pptx file, you MUST link it to the content page which includes your pdf and pptx files. In some cases presenters and authors may prefer to prepare both a wiki page of content, and a slide presentation. What Should My Completed Page Look Like?Firstly your complete page should be a page, linked single file such as a standalone pdf of pptx are discourage. This is so previous meeting information within that topic can be preserved on a single page. If you are producing a new presentation file this year such as a pdf or pptx, then this should be labelled appropriately and linked on the page, for example please see What is JACoW and What Does It Offer Your Conference? by Todd. Each page will vary, of course, depending on the content. However, there are a few elements that should appear on all pages:
Note: that your page might already have information on it from a previous presentation or from an existing page with content similar to what will be in your talk. Please edit the page as appropriate. You can also create additional pages, start from scratch with a completely new page, and/or create a "draft" page to work on and then move your text to the actual agenda page when ready; see creating and deleting pages. How can I edit the wiki, and my page?If you don’t currently have access to edit the JACoW.org Wiki you can request access by completing the following form https://www.jacow.org/Access/Request. If you have issue in gaining access please email webmaster@jacow.org How can I copy what others have done in their pages?Once you have an active account, you can view the Wiki code behind any page by clicking on the single "by" link at the bottom of any page, and after logging in you can click on "Edit Page" to the left of the orange top banner. Please do not modify or save any pages if you are only looking at the code as a reference. Information is published within Basic editing - Text formatting rules - Documentation index for reference. Before you beginBefore you begin, please review the information at Working in the JACoW.org Wiki. You'll find links to all the information you should need to develop your presentation, including how to create a slideshow from a wiki page. It is recommended when editing or updating an existing page, copy and paste the Wiki Code content so you can always restore if required If you have questions about using the Wiki, contact Stefano Deiuri (WiKi Webmaster) stefano.deiuri@elettra.eu |