The nearest airport is Tyson McGhee (TYS): https://flyknoxville.com. The distance from TYS to the workshop venue is 20-30 minutes by car. Connecting through TYS is recommended. The next nearest major airports are Nashville and Atlanta. For both, the travel time to Knoxville is approximately 3 hours by car. There is no public transit from TYS to Knoxville. The best options are to rent a car, or arrange a ride via Taxi or rideshare. If traveling by personal or rental car, please note that the hotel only offers valet parking at $30/day. Self-park options can be found at nearby public garages: https://knoxparking.com/rates.html. State Street Garage is nearby. Note that not all rental car companies accept debit cards. Also, the smaller car rental companies do not always man their counter. If no one is present, ask for assistance from a nearby manned rental car counter. For taxis, Uber, and Lyft, reservations There is a bus system that operates within Knoxville: https://www.katbus.com/ A free trolley bus operates in the downtown area: https://www.katbus.com/DocumentCenter/View/106/Trolley-System-Map-PDF (Note that the trolley will not run the Saturday before or after the workshop.) |