Instructions for JACoW.org Content OwnersContact: Charlie Horak IntroductionIf you have agreed to be a content owner—thank you! If you're not sure yet, keep in mind that a lot of the information on the site doesn't change much, so the task might not be as dreadful as you think. The initial review/update of pages is due by May 19, 2019 (start of IPAC19). The main goal at this point is to make sure the information
Steps for Content OwnersTo work in the wiki, you must first have an account. To request one and/or for instructions on working in the wiki, see Working in the JACoW.org Wiki. 1. Add your name (with a link to your email) and affiliation after the page title (see, e.g., the top of this page).
3. Take one or more of the following actions when you've assessed the content:
4. After the initial review and any needed updates, check the content at least once per year to make sure it is still up to date and relevant. If you have technical questions about the wiki, contact Stefano Deiuri Thank you! And may the light of a thousand suns illuminate your way. |