JACoW Paper TemplatesContact: Jan Chrin (Paul Scherrer Institut) An updated template for JACoW was introduced in early 2016. Among the many changes, perhaps the biggest was in adopting the IEEE Transactions Style for Transactions and Journal for references. A short (1 1/2 page) Word document in JACoW style was introduced for IPAC'18 exemplifying use of the template. ResponsibleThe content of the template is the responsibility of the JACoW collaboration. The implementation of the specifications for the various document processing software tools are managed by those listed in Table 1, to whom any corrections should be addressed. Table 1: Supported Word Processing Programs and Template Managers
Microsoft Word Template uses Word 2016 edition for Windows. Since 2019, we no longer provide a Mac-specific edition - Windows generated template works fine on Mac. References are Important!
References should therefore always be accurate and complete! Formatting References in IEEETrans StyleJACoW PapersPapers in JournalsFormatting References (cont.)JACoW PapersReferences to JACoW papers should include: .. and finally appended by a DOI if existing and formatted in the IEEE Transactions style as follows: A. Author, ``Title of paper", in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accel. Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 123-126. A. Author, ``Title of paper", in Proc. IPAC'18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 123-126. Formatting References (cont.)Formatting AuthorsTable 2: Formatting Authors in References
Formatting References (cont.)Paper TitlesTable 3: Formatting of Paper Titles in Journals
The publishing standard of journals today is for paper titles in references to be written in sentence case. Proper nouns and acronyms appear frequently in titles; these are invariable
immutable. ``A 2 GeV injector for SPRing-8 and SwissFEL" Curly (open/close) quotation marks preferred to vertical quotation marks. Formatting References (cont.)Formatting the Conference ProceedingsThe conference proceedings can be broken into three components: Three letter format for Mon.: Complete Form:in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accel. Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018 Table 4: IEEE Abbreviations
Abbreviated Form:in Proc. IPAC'18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018 Formatting References (cont.)Pages Numbersin Proc. IPAC'18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 123-126. DOIsEvery recent JACoW paper has its own unique identifier, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency to provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. DOIs should display in print in the format (Ref. DOI Handbook): doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-PAPERID Note that All JACoW paper DOIs start with 10.18429 (DataCite Registrar) Formatting References (cont.)Important Notes:
Formatting References (Cont.)doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-PAPERID If a DOI can fit onto a single line, rather than have to span multiple lines, then it is neater to do so. LaTeX usually does not need help in formatting the doi/url. So finally, one gets: A. Author,``Title of paper", in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accel. Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 123-126. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-PAPERID And to make it easier still, we now have the fabulous reference search tool!
Note that the tool gives paper titles that are in title case rather than the preferred sentence case Title case: ``Title of Paper in Title Case" Sentence case: ``Title of paper in sentence case" Formatting References (cont.)Journal papersFormat is: Author(s), ``Title of paper in sentence case and in quotation marks", Journal Title in italics volume, issue (optional), page numbers or article number, year. Citing journals. Use the official ISO-4 abbreviation for any given journal. Table 5: Journal Abbreviations
Useful links to discover abbreviation for any given journal: Formatting References (cont.)A. Author, ``Title of paper", J. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 1067, p. 022001, 2018. 022001 is actually an article number and not a page number! Nevertheless pre-pended with a p. as it is entered into the bibliographical databases as if it is a page number.
Technical IssuesReferences are in 9pt times roman; cf. text in body of paper is 10pt References should be listed in sequence and their numbers placed within square brackets. Their number should be aligned; right justified if 10 or more: [8] ... [9] ... [10] ... LaTeX\printbibliography{9} if less than 10 references, else \printbibliography{99} if more than 10. WordSee Table in template. Different left and hanging indents apply if the number of references is in double digits Because DOIs are written in a different font type and size (liberation mono, 8pt) the line separation must be set exactly to 10.4 pt.
Bibliographical DatabasesIn the above, the references were composed manually using the IEEETrans style, and as such can only be used in this format for JACoW papers and any other journals adhering to the said style. However, bibliographical layouts are very diverse; one publisher may require names to be written in extenso:
Bibliograpghical database files (.bib files in LaTeX) contain the entire information about the bibliographical items. These database files are interrogated by a bibliograpghy processors (e.g. biber) which builds the 'References' according to the requested style. In other words, keep the bibliographical items only in one place, and use the processor to create References that match the intended journal's style. The jacow class file is able to format references from .bib files in the correct IEEEtrans style. Bibliographical DatabasesTable 6: biblatex package and processors
SummaryCorrectly formatted references mean: References are properly exported to bibliographical databases Cited papers increase the author's paper citation count (e.g., Google Scholar, INSPIRE, and others) Enhances JACoW's own reputation! However, the onus is on authors to pay attention to the details of the said style (*) to ensure complete, accurate and properly formatted references.
Seasons of ChangeFirst and foremost was to get our own JACoW house in order! The main changes to the template are summarized. Authors and Institute ListingWhere authors have multiple institutes, the secondary affiliation is indicated with a superscript against the author’s name. The secondary affiliation is placed in a separate line below the main block of the author/affiliation listing. Author/Institute listings should be written in a consistent form as illustrate in Annex A of the template Template Changes (cont.)HyphenationHyphenation in Word and OpenDocument has now been activated. In Word the procedure is: Page Layout ->Hyphenation ->Automatic Footnote on Page 1A space has been added after the superscript. Figure CaptionsA simpler procedure for inserting figure and table captions is described in the Word/OpenDocument template under Figures, Tables, and Equations on page 2. Template Changes (cont.)TablesA table heading should have the initial letters of the principle words capitalized. If the caption has multiple sentences, then only the first sentence is reformatted to initial capitals if appropriate. In Word, the top/bottom lines only have a thickness of 1 pt. All other intermediate lines have a thickness of 0.5 pt. In LaTeX, \toprule, \bottomrule, and \midrule is used. Template Changes (cont.)UnitsA subsection entitled “Units” has been added on page 3. Essentially a “thin space” is required to precede the unit, e.g., 7 GeV, 4 μm (note μ is not slanted). In LaTeX, “\,” is used. Ideally the digit and the unit should not be broken if possible. This subsection is mainly aimed at contributions from Asia where the norm is to join the unit to the number, e.g., 7GeV (not advocated) Third-level HeadingsIn Word, the third-level heading is appended with a 1 em space. Insert→Symbols→Em Space; appears as a blank in the selection options; identity is revealed with a mouse-over. Template Changes (cont.)Summary of StylesThe only change to Table 2 in the template, which lists the various styles, is the freedom to select the spacing after/before figure/table captions. Word/OpenDocument editors should take note that when a section, subsection or table heading is at the top of a column, then the before-space should be removed, i.e., 0 pt. Template Changes (cont.)References: Font Size, URLs, and AlignmentThe font size has been changed to 9 pt in Word and OpenDocument. References should at the very least be neat and properly aligned using the indentations given in Annex B of the template and written in a consistent form. Special attention is given to URLs. Note that a monospace font is used (e.g. in Word, Lucinda Sans Typewriter, 7.5pt) and periods at the end of the url are omitted unless there is a trailing “/”. Template Changes (cont.)References: IEEE Transactions Style for Transactions and JournalThe IEEE Transaction Style has been adopted for references. See Annex B of template. Error Log from SPMSTable 6: A Comparison of SPMS Error Log Report from IPAC'15 to IPAC'18
Correct use of Conference Series Acronyms'What JACoW Conference is ICCA?'
1959: (2nd) Sector-Focus Cyclotrons
1963: (3rd) Int. Conf. on Sector Focus Cyclotrons and Meson Factories
1966: (4th) Int. Conf. on Isochronous Cyclotrons
1969: (5th) Int. Cyclotrons Conf.
1972: (6th) Cyclotrons
1975: (7th) Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications (Zurich)
1986: (11th) CYCLOTRON'86 (Tokyo)
2001: (16th) CYCLOTRONS 2001 (East Lansing)
2010: (19th) CYCLOTRONS 2010 (Lanzhou)
2013: (20th) CYC13 (Vancouver)
2016: (21st) CYC2016 (Zurich)
What then should be used in the References?
Consensus appears to be: in Proc. Cyclotrons'16
'!North American Particle Accelerator Conference'
2011: 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
2013: 25th North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC'13)
2016: 2016 North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC'16)
in Proc. NA-PAC'16 Conclusion: A Conference Series should know its own acronym! Forthcoming Update to TemplateAddition of DOIs to references: doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-WEPGF132 dx.doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-WEPGF132 http://dx.doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-WEPGF132 Working Group Meeting Notes |